
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2020


You tried to block the sunlight  with your hand,  the bright sun  made your eyes squint. Rather than minding the sunlight,  I chose paying attention to you,  listen to you whining  about how hot the day was,  and you explaining  how you would like to do this all  as long as you do it with me.


Kamu mencoba menghalangi  sinar matahari dengan tanganmu,  saking teriknya  sampai membuatmu  memincingkan mata. Aku lebih suka  memperhatikanmu,  mendengarkanmu  ngomel tentang hari ini  yang terlampau panas,  dan menjabarkan  bagaimana kamu tetap suka  melakukan ini  as long as you do it with me.

lampu jalan

Waktu itu sudah lewat pukul 6 sore.  Matahari sudah pulang ke rumah.  Kita masih di jalan, betah. Kalau kamu sibuk  dengan macetnya Kota Pahlawan,  aku lebih sibuk memperhatikanmu  di bawah cahaya lampu jalanan. Redup, tapi cukup.

kembang api

"Ada apa?"  "Ada saja,"  "Selalu buat asumsi,"  "Kembang apinya habis,"  "Ah, paling cuma tidak punya pemantik,"  "Simpan saja untuk tahun barumu," "Siapa juga yang suka main kembang api sendirian!"  Aku berteriak, agaknya sedikit terisak.


"You cut your hair?" She asked him after she closed the car door. He was replying some message on his phone before drive her to the university. 8 am, he didn't have any class that day, but he kept insist to drive for her. He was wearing his usual white t-shirt, his favorite brown cardigan, and a pair of black jeans. "Yes, here, this side. Didn't cut it that much but my brother said I look weird," he answered, but his gaze still focused on his phone "You look really good," Blush! His peachy cheeks became way more more peachy "Thanks, sweetie," he said, finally he looked at her who had her gaze fixed on him since forever.