for #Percakapan14Februari

“I don’t have feelings anymore for that boy from your class,”

“Well, sad to hear that…”

“Hm? I thought you don’t like it when I talked about him,”

“That’s partly true, but if you don’t crush on him anymore, you won’t call me at midnight only to talked about his Instagram story,”

“I will still call you. I will tell you about my cats, my cactus, my brother who don’t like choco mint ice cream, or the last movie I watch,”

“Then I will listen to you all night long,”

”Just like before?”

”I could listen to you for two days straight,”

”What does that mean?”

”It means something like I like your story, I like your voice, I like your laugh, I like your giggle, I like everything about you,”

”What does that mean, again?”

”Do you really want me to say that?”

“Do you really believe that it was all about those stupid Instagram story?”


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lampu jalan

at the place where we met